An experiential encounter with an actor, introducing fascinating masks of various styles.
Viewers will be introduced to different types of masks: from “mute” masks, embodying an entire character, to Commedia dell’arte– style half-masks, concluding with the smallest mask of all, the clown’s red nose. Then we will continue to explore authentic Far East and African masks.
Several masks were created by the renowned masks artist Yehudith Grinshpan, who designs and builds masks for major Israeli theatres, and numerous TV shows.
Why Masks?
Masks have been used in theater across various periods and styles. Masks allow the actor to reveal the variety of his own inner characters. Playing with masks grants the actor the freedom to express the impulses, thoughts and emotions inside him/herself. Masks inspire the creation of new surprising characters.
Methods of playing with masks were and are an important tool in physical theater.
Who will enjoy the Show?
Adults, young and old; children ages 8 and above theater lovers who would like to peek behind the scenes of acting, particularly acting with masks. Masks create an immediate, direct connection with audiences in all ages. Viewers’ interaction with the show can lead to comic situations between children and parents, among many more…
For booking, contact us