actor | writer | director | acting teacher

„… In physical theater the artist is in the center stage, not only as a performer but also as a creator…“

Following Meiri’s graduation of L’École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq in Paris, he developed his own unique methods as a physical theater storyteller.

Noam Meiri’s artistic creation is born of a dialogue between physical theater and written text. His plays are always collaborative works. As a director he co-creates his plays with the actors; as an actor he does it with the director and the other artists working on the play. As a teacher, in Israel and all over the world, Meiri sees his role as a guide, giving the actors tools to create their very own work, in their very own theatrical language.
In 2002 Meiri co-founded HaGuf Theater (Theater of the Body) School and Stage for Physical Theater, inspired by the method of Jacques Lecoq. Haguf Theater, which closed in 2010, was the first school of its kind in Israel. It also served as a stage, encouraging independent and original works created using physical theater techniques.
Since 2000 Meiri have been residing as a professor of Physical Theater in Folkwang University of the Arts  at Essen, Germany, teaching Jacques Lecoq’s method. Working with students from different programs (acting, directing, musical, opera, physical theater) he focuses on physical theater’s acting methods, as well as education and training stage artists to create their original works.


 Site Design: Ephrat Beloosesky